With the emergence of new technologies and changing patient expectations, leading pharmaceutical company Merck recognized the need to embrace digitalization. Merck is exploring and utilizing technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (VR), big data, connected care, blockchain, cloud, IoT, 3D printing, wearable tech, and genomics to accelerate drug discovery and development, improve supply chain efficiency, and ensure consistent product quality. Merck has partnered with key technology companies like IBM, AWS, SAP, Accenture, and Invonto, for their digital transformation initiatives.

In this article, we will explore Invonto’s role in Merck’s digital transformation strategy and its impact on the company’s growth and innovation.

The role of Invonto as Merck’s digital transformation partner

With our experience in delivering digital transformation solutions for Fortune 500 companies, deep understanding of digital technologies, and being local to the New Jersey community, we brought the necessary expertise and knowledge to drive Merck’s digital transformation initiatives forward.

To support Merck’s digital transformation objectives, Invonto created a virtual simulation of Merck’s scientific research lab. This multi-user VR application enabled stakeholder feedback on space design and new scientific processes, to enhance and expedite the planning process. Invonto’s interactive demos also identified numerous improvements in construction plans and equipment design. VR application proved beneficial in providing staff training in a safe environment and helped Merck stakeholders collaborate with overseas vendors.

“Before we started working together, I was very nervous as this was our first project together. But your team created an exceptionally good product and exceeded all my expectations. It has been a tremendous tool to help communicate, align, and finalize the design of our new lab. I intend to use Invonto moving forward with many applicable initiatives we have.”

John R.
Director – New Technology Development, Merck & Co.

The successful partnership with Invonto early on in their digital strategy ignited the passion of stakeholders at Merck to continue on their digital transformational journey with optimism and identify Invonto as a key digital transformation partner.

See the case study and virtual simulation of Merck’s research lab in action on YouTube

Merck’s digital transformation strategy

Merck’s digital transformation strategy is centered around three pillars: innovation, collaboration, and patient-centricity. By focusing on these areas, Merck aims to create a more agile and responsive organization that can quickly adapt to changing market trends and patient needs.

  • Innovation
    Innovation is at the core of Merck’s digital transformation strategy. The company has invested heavily in R&D to develop new novel treatments and therapies. Merck has also recognized the importance of leveraging technology to improve its processes and operations which lead to the creation of a dedicated digital team within the company responsible for identifying and implementing new technologies that can drive innovation and efficiency.
  • Collaboration
    Collaboration is another key aspect of Merck’s digital transformation strategy. The company has formed partnerships with other organizations, both within and outside the healthcare industry, to share knowledge and resources. This has allowed Merck to tap into new ideas and technologies, and to stay ahead of the curve in terms of innovation.
  • Patient-centricity
    Finally, Merck’s digital transformation strategy is patient-centric. The company has recognized the importance of understanding and meeting the needs of its patients to stay competitive. By leveraging technology, Merck can gather and analyze data to gain insights into patient behavior and preferences. This has allowed the company to develop more personalized and targeted marketing strategies, as well as improve its overall customer experience.

The need for digital transformation in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry

The healthcare and pharmaceutical industry has traditionally been slow to adopt digital technologies due to various challenges and regulatory constraints. However, the rapid advancement of technology and changing patient expectations have compelled companies like Merck to leverage healthcare digital transformation opportunities to stay ahead of the curve.

Digital transformation encompasses the integration of digital technologies into all areas of a business, altering the way organizations operate and deliver value to their end-users and patients.

ALSO SEE: What is digital transformation?

Pharma industry powerhouses and disruptors, like Merck, that embrace innovation through digital transformation can future-proof their business by enhancing operational efficiency, accelerating decision-making, and creating better patient experiences.

Another key component to digital transformation success in healthcare is evangelizing and fostering a digital culture throughout an organization. By encouraging employees to embrace digitalization, healthcare companies can empower them to take ownership of the transformational journey and contribute to the company’s overall success. Merck’s partnership with Invonto demonstrates its commitment to promoting a digital-first culture that empowers employees to contribute to the digital transformation process.


As the pharmaceutical industry embraces digital transformation, Merck stands at the forefront, leveraging innovative technologies to improve patient outcomes and streamline operations. Through their partnership with Invonto and others, Merck is harnessing the power of AI, augmented and virtual reality, IoT, and other technologies to develop custom digital products to transform and grow their business.

Digital transformation is not a one-time endeavor but an ongoing journey. Merck’s collaboration with Invonto signifies its commitment to staying agile, innovative, and patient-centric. Through digital transformation and embracing strategic partnerships, Merck is well-positioned to navigate the evolving landscape of healthcare and lead the way in shaping the future of the pharmaceutical industry.

Read more about the Immersive Virtual Reality Laboratory Invonto created for Merck and see how emerging technologies and spatial computing can advance your business in the evolving age of technology by scheduling a digital transformation consultation with Invonto.

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